Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Being in Style...

Okay, these past few days have been mind boggling to say the least.  I have so much to write about and document that I am still trying to sort it all out.  Over the years that I have been natural I have accumulated hundreds and hundreds of images that have been archived.  When reviewing the images I just can not believe I actually snapped so many pictures.  When looking through the pics I came across these images below and I'm reminded of how back in my early days when posting images of my natural hair journey, I would sometimes include an image to show how I incorporated wearing my natural hair out into my day to day living.  I like to keep things simple, but at the same time I do like to be noticed, then again who doesn't right? :)


  1. I love your sense of style. Fashion Blog coming soon, I hope...

  2. It is and thank you. Jessy, I hope that you are enjoying the holiday season!


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