Monday, June 4, 2012

Crawfish to Geaux!

What a weekend! My family and I took some time off to visit with family in Louisiana and had a GREAT time and was surrounded by lots and lots of love!  We had our fill of my Mom's good southern cooking, which included smothered pork chops, red beans and rice, butter beans with okra and BBQ Chicken.  What made the menu complete was a trip down to Tony's Seafood for boiled crawfish!

Whenever we visit family during the early summer months, we always stop at Tony's Seafood.  We always stop by to see the live catfish.  Our younger family members get a kick out of seeing the fish
swimming so close.  We then show them the alligator head that sits on the top ledge above the blue crabs.

Although Tony's serve boiled crabs and shrimp, among other dishes, we only stop by to order bags of the boiled crawfish and at $2.99 a pound, what's not too love?


  1. Yummy!
    Louisiana is on my list of places to visit, hopefully in the next 2 years.

  2. Yummy is right! When you do visit, you will fall in love with the cuisine...I promise!

  3. Saw your link on lhcf and glad I checked it out. You were in my stomping grounds. I LOVE boiled shrimp though. The crawfish tends to be too much work but I eat them as well. I will follow you and hope you follow back.

  4. You have made my day! I have been wondering for some time where you were! So glad to see you are still doing your thing and your hair is GORGEOUS !!!! I made sure I subscribed so I wont lose touch again.

    Wendy aka "pookeylou" from


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